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Découvre Mugaritz


Mugaritz launches "The Candy Project" to define the cultural importance of candy


Andoni Luis Aduriz y el sociólogo Iñaki Martínez de Albeniz (UPV-EHU)  emprenden  este proyecto de investigación con la colaboración de la red internacional Slow Food y la Universidad de Ciencias Gastronómicas de Polenza, Italia.

What are candies? How and when are they consumed? What is the predominant flavour in the traditional candy of our country of origin? Where and how they are sold? As children, what candy branded us for life?

There are endless questions to ask about this often demonized concept for whichno rigorous sociological research has been done so far. We are convinced that much is yet to be done exploring the dimension of an element so present in our day-to-day life.

Mugaritz launches this research project hoping to rescue and restore candy memory and trace its historical evolution. We want to study the flavors and textures; their connection to education and the effects they have on childhood.

Under the research direction of Iñaki Martínez de Albeniz, a sociologist at the Basque Country University, and with the support of Slow Food InternationalUniversity of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy and Dimension, creative agency.

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