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Reinventing ourselves from the frontier

Company name

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on E-Commerce and Information Society Services, you are hereby informed that the web domain belongs to MUGALA INNOVA, S.L., B20567848, domiciled in Paseo de Francia 2, 1º C, 20012 Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa.


By entering and/or using this website, you, as a user, agree to the terms and conditions here set forth. Said terms and conditions shall apply irrespective of the general terms of service to be observed in each particular case.

Personal data protection policy

As the owner and proprietor of the automated databases associated with this website, MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. informs website visitors and users of its personal data protection policy, which shall apply to the personal information entered on website forms, in compliance with the provisions in the relevant data protection legislation.

All personal information from users shall be stored in a database managed by MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. and registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Personal data shall only be collected for the purpose indicated in each particular case and only when they are necessary for the provision of the service in question.

MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. takes all the necessary administrative and technical measures to ensure the safety of the personal information entered on its website, protecting said information from unauthorised access, tampering or loss, taking into account the state of technology and complying with the relevant data protection legislation.


This website recognises the right of website users to access, change or cancel their personal data (ARCO), which they can exercise at any time.

To exercise your ARCO right, please write an email to or a letter to MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. at the mail address above. Please attach proof of identity.

Required vs. optional fields of information

MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. informs website users when personal information is optional or required in access and/or registration forms for website services and/or contents.

Likewise, in accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on E-Commerce and Information Society Services, MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. asks for permission to process your email address for advertising or business purposes. By ticking the relevant box, you agree to your personal information being used to send emails, faxes, SMS, MMS or other messages by present or future physical or electronic means to advertise, publicise or give information about the organisation’s products and/or services.

Disclosure of data

The personal information entered by website users shall not be disclosed by third parties, except in the fulfilment of a legal obligation. Should MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. consider it necessary to disclose personal data for a legitimate purpose, it shall inform website users and ask for their consent.

Policy updates

The MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. privacy policy can be updated in the fulfilment of legal obligations or instructions from the Spanish Data Protection Agency or from Spanish or European courts of law.

Truthfulness of information

Website users shall be held accountable for the truthfulness of the personal data they enter on this website. Likewise, they shall inform MUGALA INNOVA, S.L. of any changes in said information. The organisation shall not be held liable for inaccuracies in this respect.