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Reinventing ourselves from the frontier

How to get to Mugaritz


Mugaritz is located in the dividing line of two Basque towns, Errenteria and Astigarraga. It is a tribute to the border (Muga, in Basque) and the oak (haritza) that for 200 years has watched this boundary, surrounded by nature.

Chance brought Mugaritz to where it is currently located, but, over time, the border has defined our identity. Today, we feel comfortable in the boundaries, in those borders between the art and gastronomy, between the culinary world and science.

Aldura Aldea, 20
20100 Errenteria

If you will be using a GPS system, you may enter the following details:

  • Longitude: 1º 55’ 2’’ West
  • Latitude: 43º 16’ 20’’ North

Please do not hesitate to call us (+34 943 522 455) if you have any problems.

Accommodations near the area: